How do I transfer funds between my trust and operating accounts?

This articles outlines the process for transferring money between your firm's bank accounts using Confido Legal. This may apply to your firm when you have client expenses or client invoices to be paid using funds from the trust account.


  • The firm must be enabled for ACH payments.

Transferring Funds

  • Navigate to the Clients page and click Transfer in the upper right corner.screencapture-app-sandbox-gravity-legal-clients-2021-08-17-12_48_01-edit
  • Select the Client associated with the transfer.screencapture-app-sandbox-gravity-legal-clients-transfer-2021-08-17-12_50_09-edit
  • Optional: select the Matter.
  • Enter a Reason for Transfer.
  • Optional: mark this as a Manual Transfer.

Please note: If Manual Transfer is checked, then no money will move between bank accounts, but a transaction will still be recorded in Confido Legal for accounting purposes.

  • Select the From Account and the To Account.
  • Enter an Amount to Transfer.
  • Click Confirm Details to review the details of the transfer.
  • After final review of the transfer details, click Transfer Funds to complete the transfer. Please allow 3-5 business days for the funds to be withdrawn from one account and deposited to the other account.

Please note:  Transfers use the ACH system, so if client payments were processed for the same To Account on the same day, this transfer will be combined together with those transactions.