How do I merge duplicate clients?

Merging clients may be necessary when you create a client in Confido Legal and also import the same client from another system. You may end up with duplicate clients. This article outlines how to merge the duplicates together.

Merging Clients

  • Navigate to Clients.
  • Select the three vertical dots on the far right of the client you wish to merge into another client. Select Merge.12-30-21Capture
  • In the pop-up box, search for the client that will be kept as the primary client after the merge. Once you've selected the primary client, click Merge.12-30-21_2Capture
  • The records from the merged client will be added to the primary client.

Please note: clients created in third-party systems like QuickBooks are unable to be merged into other clients. In addition, if a Confido Legal client is merged into a QuickBooks client, then past transactions under the old Confido Legal client will not be recorded in QuickBooks.